Help me get rid of my psoriasis


I would like to know if anybody out there suffers from bad psoriasis. I am trying to find a natural alternative to get rid of them...but every time I stop using tar on them they get much worse. Any suggestions?

Our response:

Hi, and thank you for sharing. What I think is going on is that you haven't yet found the cause of your psoriasis. Although medical science does not know exactly what causes psoriasis, many people who have tried more natural approaches have discovered that eliminating certain foods, medications or stresses actually will improve their psoriasis. You can learn more about this at out Psoriasis Causes page.

On our site you will find a number of suggestions for psoriasis at our What Does Psoriasis Look Like? page. On that page are a number of resources, including an in depth natural health program called Psoriasis Free for Life

You can also get more in depth information from our free eBook Clear Any Skin Problem Naturally which offers more specific information on how to make changes in your lifestyle that will help your body to clear up the inflammation and to strengthen your immune system. I hope these are helpful. Please let us know how these work for you!

Comments for Help me get rid of my psoriasis

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Feb 08, 2012
Water Therapy!
by: Anonymous

Have you heard about Water therapy? It can cure Psoriasis within few months. You can see its results in 1-2 months easily. Completely natural.

Dec 28, 2011
Great Products cured my psoriasis
by: Ed

I have suffered with psoriasis of the scalp and face for years and until recently have been using steroids and tgel to try and get rid of it as this is what my doctor prescribed, I found some amazing natural products with no chemicals, parabens, SLS etc. which have literally cured my scalp and my face is as though I never ever had a problem in the first place. Below is what I have used.

Initially I used a calendula cream for my face from to really tackle the psoriasis, i used this as a moisturiser.

I would wash my face with soothing face wash.

After about 2 weeks of using the calendula cream I started using face and body cream. I did this as the psoriasis has calmed down so quickly that I did not need such an oily facial moisturiser.
I now use this combination all the time and have no psoriasis on my face at all.

With my hair I use scalp treatment shampoo and tea tree scalp treatment conditioner and it has stopped the itching and cleared away almost all of my psoriasis.

I went back to my doctor (GP) and she was absolutely amazed and asked me for the websites of all the products so she could find out more, she was a dermatologist before having children and becoming a GP so was really interested to see what the organic natural products contained.

I hope this helps anyone who suffers with similar problems.

Best wishes


Aug 18, 2011
Try Aloe Vera!
by: Anonymous

Aloe can offer relief for psoriasis symptoms and treat skin irritations and illnesses which can trigger an attack. Aloe is gentle and contains a concentrated mix of anti-inflammatory fatty acids and compounds that boost the immune system. The gel forms a protective layer on broken skin, soothing inflammation and speeding the healing process. The purest and most effective source is the gel in the leaf of the plant. Check out this site for info on how to harvest and use it topically. Hope it helps!

Apr 28, 2011
How to reduce psoriasis symptoms
by: Anonymous

Try cutting out animal flesh from your diet and also processed food, soda, alcohol, cigarettes etc.

Try to adopt a healthier lifestyle, such as adequate exercise, and eat an abundance of fresh food with lots of greens. Drink plenty of fresh water, 8 cups a day, it's important to stay hydrated.

Mar 19, 2011
Pustular Psoriasis Relieved
by: Anonymous

Hi, just wanted to share what relieved my pustular psoriasis with everyone. After suffering this disabling type for almost 10 years without relief (nothing doctors gave me worked and several things actually made it worse), I ordered several bars of Grangpa's Pine Tar Soap on whim and as long as I use it on my entire body (though the psoriasis is located on hands and feet only) I'm clear. This is major for me. Life normally stops completely due to the misery all but a few months a year, and is still unsightly and irritating even those few summer months, and I have just had a completely clear fall and winter, all due to a soap that is natural and not even that expensive. I have my life back, and I just wanted to share with others in case it might give them theirs back as well. :)

Mar 28, 2010
salt bathing
by: Amanda

Hi, I've heard bathing in salt water is good for psoriasis, unfortunately it's one of the most persistent types of dermatitis. My dad has it and I keep urging him to take up salt baths but he hasn't yet. I have read a journal article of a proper clinical study that found bathing in salt water can help.

Mar 15, 2010
Great tip ... more psoriasis info suggestions
by: Mashubi

Thanks Anonymous for that very helpful tip. When our bodies are more in balance, our skin conditions can improve. I'm so glad you found some relief!

I just found a helpful comment on psoriasis by M, a visitor to our site who shared her tips here at the skin and beauty tips discussion topic ... you need to scroll down a bit to read it.

Mar 14, 2010
How's your Blood Pressure?
by: Anonymous

After conteacting psoriasis at the age of 64 and trying numerous salves, ointments, and injections with NO relief the one thing that did cause all lesions to dissapate was to arrest my High Blood Pressure from 201/96 to 140/50.
As my BP dropped, the psoriasis began to disappear.
I also was told to take daily medication for high (bad) cholesterol so the two medications (in my case) has brought an end to any NEW lesions for the past 8 months. The scars caused by psorias have also dried up but I have been told that the damaged pigmentation would most likely never return to normal. That's a small price to pay for ending the constant itching and scratching.

Good Luck and get your BP checked..NOW!

Mar 05, 2010
Hi, this is where you can leave comments
by: Mashubi

I hope you find this information helpful. Please let us know how it goes for you!

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