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Naturally Clear News, Issue #009 -- April 2010 - A New Beginning April 16, 2010 |
{!date long+0} Hello {!firstname_fix} and welcome to your April 2010 Naturally Clear News update! Spring has sprung here where I am, although it is still quite cold outside, there are sprouts and new beginnings all around! I've got some very new and exciting things to share with you this month, that I think you and your sensitive skin will love!!
In this issue... What You Need
One of the most exciting new beginnings for us here at My Sensitive Skin Care is that more and more people are visiting our site, sharing their experiences, and discovering and sharing safer and more natural solutions for their chronic skin problems. Here are just a few of the comments we've received.
Our site is almost one year old now, and thanks to YOUR kind help in communicating with me and letting me know what you need, there are some important new directions we will be exploring in the coming year which I think you will find helpful! Here's what you have told me so far:
Based on your very helpful feedback, I've been involved in an extensive search for more skin care products that can be helpful for sensitive skin. That's the number 1 request we get here, and I'm extremely picky about what I consider to be a great product. One particularly notable new product line I'm testing is very promising. I've been getting some pretty dramatic results with it in just a few days. That's quite unusual, and I am so excited at the results I am getting from these products that I approached the company about sharing them with you. I have actually been a customer of this company since 2003 and the new product line is not widely known yet. Because of the company's policies, I will ONLY be providing information about it via e-mail through my own personal recommendation list. If you'd like more information about these new products, you can request information about them at my sensitive skin care products page.
I've gotten a lot of requests for skin care product reviews. It's been really challenging for me to check out new skin care products because of my own sensitive skin! I'm sure you can relate to this {!firstname_fix}! So many products, even the really nice, safe, natural products, cause my skin to breakout. OR they are strongly scented with essential oils, which are naturally fragrant, but which are too much for me. Some products even cause my whole body to feel pretty weird! Yes, it's amazing that a skin care product can have a whole body effect. I have tried all kinds of hypoallergenic products, fragrance free products, natural skin care products and organic skin care products. I'll be offering some NEW product reviews right here in our monthly Naturally Clear News update. You will be the FIRST to see these reviews! These are the products that I've found that show the most promise for being effective for you and your sensitive skin. I won't be writing about the duds, since none of us needs yet another bad skin care product story!! :-) Another exciting new focus that I will be adding to our My Sensitive Skin Care site and the Naturally Clear News will be more resources on healing your skin. This focus evolved from my own changing skin care needs, which led me into some unexpected new directions. Recently I've been feeling that my skin needs something new. My body has been going through a lot of changes recently, not to mention LOTS of stress. My skin has become more blotchy and red, and even with regular cleansing, toning, exfoliation and moisture (not to mention all the other great things that I mention in my eBook). Even with all this, my skin has been looking pretty rough! That's actually putting it politely!! I felt a need for some serious healing of my skin. One of the things I did recently to try and help my skin, was to try out some different skincare products. From what I've seen, most skincare products focus on anti-aging, or on cosmetic improvement. The hypoallergenic product lines focus on antiaging and cosmetic improvements without causing skin breakouts. Natural and organic skincare products focus on using safer and more natural ingredients. But what about those of us who have real skin problems? Is there such a thing as safe skin care products that might actually be good for us AND make us look good? Is it too much to ask to look more beautiful AND to also find ways to improve the health of our skin? Few skincare products that I am aware of actually focus on helping to nourish the skin so that it can heal itself. That's what I have been looking for, and to took me a long time to find it. I am VERY embarrassed to admit that the answer was right under my nose. I totally missed it! If you'd like a preview of the new skin care line I am trying out, please request information at our sensitive skin care products page. One of the few hypoallergenic skin care product lines that we have recommended is Cleure , which is the ONLY source that I have found of safe, botanical afree hypoallergenic products. They have recently been going through some changes to their company, and some of you who are Cleure customers contacted me because you weren't able to order from their site, which they changed suddenly and without warning. They also removed their safer cosmetics from their site and placed older versions of their cosmetics that contain parabens and other ingredients that I do not recommend. For a number of weeks I was not able to get answers to my questions and so for a while I had removed them from my personally recommended products list. Thankfully, they are fully operational again and I was finally able to re-establish my relationship and partnership with them. I am happy to report that their products are available and can be shipped to most countries worldwide. I appreciate the unique nature of Cleure's products as they are safe, extremely affordable, and highly effective. If you have hypersensitive skin, these will likely be useful for you as they are some of the least irritating products I know of. Also, if you have salicylate allergies and need salicylate free products, Cleure is one of the few companies that provides safe, toxin free salicylate free products. All other brands of salicylate free products I've looked at contain ingredients that I personally would not use on my skin. I believe that whenever one door closes, another opens. My own skincare needs have been changing a lot this year, and during this time when I was not able to get my Cleure skincare products , I began experimenting with a number of skin care products in order to find solutions. That ended up being a good experience (though honestly I'm so happy to be able to get my Cleure products again!!) In the process I discovered some new skincare products that for me are MORE effective with antiagining for sensitive skin, and provide a much more significant and dramatic improvement in my appearance. You can request information about these new products at our sensitive skin care products page.
We've had quite a number of people visit our site in the past month, and some fantastic questions. I've done my best to answer these as best as I can, but I am only one person. I know YOU have quite a bit of experience with sensitive skin {!firstname_fix}, and what you know may just be very helpful to the folks out there who are trying to find answers. If you have any experience with these topics, please share! :-) Facial Hair Removal for Sensitive Skin? Need to Find a Good Hypoallergenic Hair Spray Looking for Natural Hair Color Any Experience With Derma Rollers?
Every month we feature some new home recipes for sensitive skin. Here are some safer alternatives to some of the traditional products out there! Natural Skin Lightener - most commercial skin lighteners contain ingredients such as Hydroquinone which are quite hazardous to health. This recipe is safe, as long as you don't have hay fever or flower allergies! Place four or more chamomile tea bags into a warm bath, or use one tea bag in a pot of water to make a gentle facial steam. Chamomile has natural skin lightning properties. Natural Hair Spray for Fine Hair Slice a lemon into two cups of water, cook in a double boiler until it is reduced by half. Place in a spray bottle and spray on the hair, taking care to avoid the eyes. Natural Hair Spray for Dry Hair Slice an orange into two cups of water, cook in a double boiler until it is reduced by half. Place in a spray bottle and spray on for natural and pleasant smelling hold! Natural Dry Shampoo - this is great if you don't have time to shampoo your hair, or if you find too many shampoos drying for your hair . Mix together equal amounts of organic corn starch, white clay, baking soda, and organic rice flour. Rub into into your hair and then brush out! The natural powders will absorb excess oils and bring more volume to the hair.
If you've discovered a fantastic homemade skincare product that works well for YOUR sensitive skin, please share your skincare recipe with us!! And, if you are trying out a new recipe, remember that even homemade skin care recipes can cause skin irritation. Be sure to do a skin test on any new product you use, before you put it all over your face!!
{!firstname_fix}, I just set up a page that makes it so easy to share our site! If you know of anyone who could benefit from what we offer, please share this site with them. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much! I wish you a great month, and health, and most of all, the joy of connecting with your own radiant, natural beauty! Many blessings, ![]() ![]() P.S. If you'd like to stay updated with our newest articles and discussions throughout the month, please visit our My Sensitive Skin Care Blog which you can also add to your RSS reader!
Copyright ©2009 - 2010
I'd like you to know.... This website is a labor of love, and was created to share information about new solutions for sensitive skin challenges, and the affect of cosmetic ingredients on sensitive skin. To help support our work and the cost of maintaining this website, we receive income from several affiliate merchant partners whose products we use and are proud to recommend. When you choose to make a purchase from a link on this site, we receive a small commission which helps to keep our site up and running. I am extremely selective about the products that we recommend, and even more careful about the companies we choose as partners. For more information please see Our Values. I only recommend those products which I use myself or have investigated thoroughly! Thank you and blessings to all everyone who shares and participates here! |
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