Eye bags and Rashes
It seems like i periodically have bags under my eyes. I also noticed that i have rashes when i use antiseptic soaps. Is it that my skin is to delicate for antiseptic soaps? I expect a smoother skin when i use them, only to discover rashes. The rashes only leave when i start using something very mild like fruity soaps or soaps like Palmolive, dove e.t.c. Please let me know: is it wrong for me to use antiseptic
Our replyHi, and thanks for your message. I definitely understand, the same thing happens for me. Yes, antiseptic soaps can be very irritating for sensitive skin. Many people with sensitive skin find that their skin breaks out when they use anything with soaps or harsh chemicals. You can learn more about this on our
Natural Facial Cleanser page which tells you more about which ingredients can cause your skin to break out.
There are many ways that you can cleanse your skin effectively without using harsh ingredients or even soaps. You can find some of our best tips here at our
Skin Care Tips for Sensitive Skin page which has many simple ways you can cleanse your skin without irritation.