by Jacqueline
(Dolphin Pt NSW Australia)
My dad has suffered with Rosacea for years now and i know he tries to control it but it is always flaring up. Now at 48 I am having the same thing happen to me. I blushed when I was young; I got red cheeks when I started drinking; painfully hot in the face in hot weather or in front of fires; hot showers left me scarlet....I am the ideal candidate for Rosacea..and I have fine Scottish skin! The catalyst is this week I am covered in red spots and it is painful making me cranky,and the doctor says Rosacea and I am not putting any of those chemical creams on my face as they make me feel ill. Already I use chemial-free products in the house and on our bodies like shampoo,conditioner,toothpaste,facial creams,sunscreens,
hairdyes, and drink filtered water.I am taking a Livertonic and omega 3's but looks like I am going to have to do even hot drinks, try the ***z-cleure.shtml*** products...increase water and alkaline foods...when I get rid of this rash my san kalpa is to try harder to clear my skin.
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