by Barbra
Hi, I'm back, one week into my new eating habits ( diet just isn't my word ) And I will say my skin has already started to improve greatly! I've basically been eating fresh raw veggies ( cauliflower, broccoli, carrot, onion, snap peas, avocado, squash, celery ) fresh raw fruits ( grape, banana, mango, strawberry, melon/dew, tomato, orange, apple ) along with mean green & protein smoothie by Naked Juice, I am eating approximate 10+ servings total a day ( 5 fruit + 5 veg )I have eliminated 97% of junk food including frozen, can and box meals. I had a few things besides; breaded fish, stuffed peppers, beef patty w/ all the veggies no bun, egg rolls, yogurt, 3 cookies and a donut. I've already lost the extra couple of pounds I recently had gained. Seems like I have more energy and best of skin rash severe eczema everywhere, has nearly vanished with just a few patches healing up left. I have been using Cetaphyl creme and Bio-oil applied 2 to 3 times a day. I only needed to apply cortisone a couple times in a few small areas!! I use Zum-bar soap only ( organic soap w/ goats milk ) and Nioxin for hair. I hope if anyone is as desperate as me and wants to take charge and improve their quality of life, I hope this can work for them and me, as I will be posting updates on my progress!
(aka Hott Mama)
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