Itchy Thin Skin With Rosacea

by Sylvia
(Hong Kong)

I have rosacea and now due to the winter season, my skin is very itchy, red and sore. No matter how much moisturiser I put on, it does not absorb into my skin. My skin layer is very thin due to the frequent usage of face cream provided by dermatologist, antibiotics. I am very depressed and am no longer confident to look people in the eye. I work and with the HR dept. , it is so embarrassing. I really have no hope. Please advise whether there is a cure, please help!!

My reply

Hi Sylvia, I really empathize with your feelings about having such a challenging skin problem. Yes, it can feel very depressing and embarrassing! Wintertime is really difficult as it makes dry skin even more itchy. Thankfully, there are a lot of things you can do for yourself that can help to tone down inflammation in your body, and therefore in your skin.

Antibiotics and prescription creams provided by the dermatologist are intended to help get the rosacea symptoms under control, but they cannot cure the rosacea because it is a chronic inflammatory condition.

The only way that I know of to help chronic skin rashes is to focus on reducing the inflammation and excess heat in your body. There are many ways to approach this, and a good naturopathic physician, holistically oriented medical doctor, or acupuncturist can provide more detailed information about this.

Healthy lifestyle choices can go a long way to reducing inflammation and calming down skin problems. For example, eating
an anti-inflammatory diet with plenty of vegetables and healthy fats, and by getting regular exercise and doing something that you love that helps to reduce your stress levels.

Taking antibiotics for long periods of time can cause candida yeast overgrowth, which can create even more itchy skin. When you take antibiotics, be sure to take probiotics to replace the friendly bacteria that are killed off by antibiotics.

Hormonal balance can also affect your skin, and fluctuating hormonal levels during times of change or stress can cause a flare up of chronic skin conditions.

Yes, some of my other readers have said that their skin became very thin from using prescription creams for long periods of time. You may find that gently steaming your face to open the pores, and then applying a gentle, hypoallergenic
***z-cleure-moisturizer-for-sensitive-skin.shtml*** may help to absorb the moisture better. your skin, making it more difficult to absorb.

I wrote more about how to heal skin damage from steroid creams, and you may find our reader's suggestions helpful also.

Here are some other articles on our site you may find helpful.... here are some daily life tips for dry sensitive skin that go beyond skin cream...

Here are some home remedies for dry sensitive skin

Some tips for finding the cause of your itchy skin

And here is our section on natural treatments for rosacea which has lots of ideas, suggestions and links to related topics.

I hope these tips can he helpful for you Sylvia, please let me know how these work for you.

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