now i walk in beauty

by Laurie Rae

i have carpal tunnel stuff, so keeping it short for now.

At this time, I' doing CFF, but my extremely sensitive skin is testy with that, too.

Will try CFF 3x/week, allowing recovery. My skin wrinkles and lines with any pulling and you have to stretch and pull to exercise the face. Don't try to tell me I'm not doing it right. I've had extremely sensitive skin all my life, and the derm told me when I was 20-sumthing.

It sux. I love the build, but i get lines and broken blood vessels from the exercises. It sucks. Again, I'm doing it right.

Not giving up.

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Oct 27, 2010
Facial exercise and sensitive skin
by: Mashubi

Hi Laurie, thanks for sharing. You may have already tried these, but I wanted to suggest this also for anyone else who may be having some difficulty with facial exercise causing irritation to the skin,lines, or broken blood vessels.

One is to use a good moisturizer so that the skin has less friction. I know Carolyn recommends that you not use moisturizer, but I personally really need it otherwise my face feels irritated from the exercises.

The other suggestion, if you haven't already, is to contact Carolyn and see if she has any other recommendations for sensitive skin. She has quite a number of years of experience in helping people with facial exercise, and she is very responsive to her customers and will often respond the same day that you contact her. She may be able to help you customize your program.

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