Sensitive Skin and ageing
Hello, I am from Australia and not sure what skin care brand I should be using.
I am 40 years old and have sensitive skin. If I get dust on my face at all I get very itchy and any products with fragrance also irritates me.
As I am getting older and want to look after my skin from lines and I look for sensitive skin brand skin care or aging skin and I am not sure what brands are best.
Currently I use Cetaphil cleanser and Dermaveen cream but I am not sure if they are addressing my ageing skin? Please help!
Also, I went to a Nutrimetics party the other night and the consultant said for skin care to be effective you must use all the same this true?
Thanks so much
Our replyHi Sharon,
Yes, I understand, it is very difficult to find good antiaging products for sensitive skin. I personally have found that everyone's skin is different and that what works for one person doesn't work for another. I have heard other skincare sales people say that you need to use all one brand to be effective, but I don't know if that is true. I have found that sensitive skin will react if you change product lines or mix them. Whenever you make a change, it is a good idea to go slowly.
For very safe and gentle antiaging products I find the
***z-cleure-facial-pack.shtml*** is the safest and
most effective of the hypoallergenic choices I've found. They are free of fragrances, plant allergens or chemical irritants. If you use their facial mask and scrub and eye cream along with their basic products (they come at a discount in the
***z-cleure-essentials-pack.shtml*** )you will definitely notice a benefit to your skin without irritation.
Another excellent option for antiaging products for sensitive skin is ***z-xtend-life-xtendlife-skincare-products.shtml***. These products are very gentle and they have a more noticeable anti-aging effect. The downside of these products is that some of the ingredients are not a
chemically safe as our other choices.
The other thing that has been very helpful for my sensitive skin is a good facial exercise program. Not only does facial exercise firm up your face and reduce sagging, bagging and wrinkling, but it also can help to reduce headaches!
Some facial exercises can actually give you a bulky look, and I looked at a lot of different types of programs. It was difficult to find one that actually made you look like your best self, without looking like a linebacker! :)
The best one I've seen is ***z-cff.shtml*** which I use myself several times a week. It only requires a few minutes a day and has fantastic results. I've been using it for years and it has helped tremendously to keep my skin healthy and clear and free from the sagging and bagging, without expensive creams or treatments.
Good luck! Readers, do you have suggestions for aging sensitive skin?
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Question About Perfumes for Sensitive Skin
by Susan
Are there any perfumes that are safe to use?
Our replyHi Susan,
Yes, we actually get this question a lot! I recommend you stay away from all types of artificial perfumes if you have any kind of allergies or sensitive skin. The reason for this is that the chemicals used to create perfumes can create all kinds of allergic reactions such as eye irritation, breathing problems, dizziness and so forth. You can learn more about this at our
Fragrance Allergies page.
Some people with sensitive skin can tolerate natural perfumes created with essential oils. These are strong concentrations of aromatic plants, however there are a few cautions you should observe if you have any kind of allergies or sensitivity.
One is that essential oils are potent medicinal substances which can provide a great benefit to the body (as well as a wonderful scent!) but they can also have unforseen consequences, since your body may or may not want that particular type of healing benefit.
Another consideration is that many essential oils sold in stores are labeled "100% pure", but they may still contain chemicals used in extracting and manufacturing. For this reason I recommend you choose carefully a reputable brand that you trust that is committed to purity.
Finally, it is essential to
do a skin test with any new essential oil or natural perfume product that you put on your body. This can save you from the misery of getting a new skin breakout or worse. I hope this is helpful for you!
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Shaklee Skin Care Products
by Sarah
(Cedar Grove, WI)
Good evening,
I have been reading your site and find the information interesting. I'm very tempted to order the trial sizes to give it a try.
Recently I turned forty but no body told my skin.
I have used Shaklee vitamins for many years and I'm curious if you gave their skin care or hair care products a try. Based on my representative they do all you say these products do.
Thanks for any info you can provide comparing the products.
Our ReplyHi Sarah, thanks for your message! Yes, I've heard great things about the Shaklee products and a number of friends and colleagues have been very happy with them.
The Shaklee skincare and haircare products may work really well, however the ones I looked at contain ingredients that I do not personally recommend for very sensitive skin, such as Fragrance, which can produce allergic reactions for some people, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate which can irritate the skin, and a number of other ingredients. Also, the products have a very long list of ingredients which makes it more likely that a very sensitive person may react to them.
All this being said, the Shaklee skincare products are still much better in terms of gentleness than many mainstream skincare products.
The reason I recommend the ***z-cleure.shtml*** products is that they are made for those people who react to almost everything. They have managed to put together a gentle and non-toxic product line that actually works, while keeping the ingredients mild and non irritating, and also without using a long list of ingredients. I haven't found any other product line like them, that is both free of plant allergens and also free of the irritating chemicals and fragrances that can cause skin eruptions.
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Rash on My Face Whenever I Use Skincare Products
What is your main sensitive skin problem?: Hyper sensitive to everything
What problems do you face in taking care of your skin?: I get a fine slightly itchy rash on my face. It makes my face look slightly flushed. It clears up temporarily with cortisone milk. but starts again as soon as I use normal moisuriser/sunscreen/foundation etc? I am not sure which of the above is the cause of it?
Please advise what skincare brand product are suitable for my skin, including make up.
Many thanks.
Our ReplyHi, thank you very much for your message. Yes, you could be reacting to the ingredients in your skin care products. I have been researching to see if there are additional products that may help you. My top recommendations for skin care are here at our
Safe Skin Care Products page.
Cleure product line on that page also has makeup which is generally safe for very sensitive skin, and they ship products world wide. Read the ingredients on their makeup, as some of their older cosmetics have parabens and I do not recommend these. (Their product line is in transition and so these are clearly marked.
These are the safest products I know, and no one I've worked with has reported getting any skin rashes from using them. I would try there first, and then with the other product lines recommended on that page.
If these suggestions do not work for you, you may want to consider using
homemade skincare recipes where you can control the number of ingredients and test them out yourself. Remember to try just one new thing at a time!
I am always making the mistake or trying several new things at once and I inevitably end up with a breakout, cold sores or other reaction!!
I also recommend if you haven't yet that you download our free eBook
Clear ANY Skin Problem Naturally which will offer some important suggestions that will help to clear your skin. This will help you find the cause of your sensitive skin.
I hope this is helpful for you!
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Have you tried the TwinLuxe Anti-aging Spf Moisturizer?
by Jacklyn
(Newport Beach, CA , USA)
Wanted to know what you think of TwinLuxe using stem cells in sunscreens. Is this good or bad for you?
Our replyHi Jacklyn, thanks for your message. For ethical reasons I don't use or recommend skincare products with stem cells, and so I am not familiar with the health effects of using these.
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Skin Care for Dehyrated Skin
I have dehyrated and sensitive. For products that are not oil free, i will have breakout.
When i skin got too dehyrated, it will have breakout too.
My hair was also very very dry.
Do you have any skincare and hair care that suit my skin and hair.
Our replyHi Dawn, thanks for your message. Often dehydrated skin and hair is a sign that your body is not receiving enough of the Essential Fatty Acids that create moist and supple skin and healthy hair.
These can be found in foods such as walnuts, almonds, salmon, sardines, flax oil, and other natural, unrefined oils.
Many people take supplements in order to get enough of these nutrients, as they are so important for the whole body, for healthy eyes, a healthy immune system, and more. You've probably seen these kinds of supplements such as the ***z-xtend-life-omega-fatty-acids.shtml*** which are some of the best we've found.
To help your dry skin, there are several ways you can moisten your skin without being greasy.
First, read these tips for dealing with
dry, sensitive skin.
If you need additional moisturizing, here are some helpful
home remedies for dry skin that you may find helpful. I hope these can make a positive difference for you!
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Products Without Coconut Derivatives
by Marcia
(Madison, MS)
I was directed to your website while searching for products that do not contain any coconut derivatives. I think your site is an excellent source of valuable information.
Where is the list of products which does not contain any coconut or derivatives?
thanks in advance.
Our replyHi Marcia, thanks for your warm words. :) I am not very knowledgeable about products without coconut derivatives yet, as you can tell from the last post I wrote about this here at our
Allergic to Coconut page, however if you scroll down there to the discussion on the
comments section, you will find some great advice from others who are allergic to coconut have shared what is working for them.
The important thing to know is that there are many ingredients that do not say 'coconut' but they are derived from coconuts, so you need to be very educated about this. I'm getting there! :)
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Which Sensitive Skin Products?
What is your main sensitive skin problem?: Hyper sensitive to everything
What problems do you face in taking care of your skin?: my face got a lot like rashes and acne and hypersensitive to everything and breakout many somemore feel itchy till cant sleep,i dont know how can i clear this problem because already few month not recover yet even i went to see skin specialist also doesnt help
Is there anything else we can do to help?: i need to know which product i can use because in market many product which it show alcohol free ,perfum free,preservative free......and doest help .pls let me know how can i soft my proplem and which brand product is suitable for me
Our replyHi, thank you for writing. I am so sorry that you are having such intense difficulties with your skin. I recommend first that you get my free eBook
Clear Any Skin Problem Naturally, which can help you to find some natural solutions to help your skin to recover.
Yes, I understand how overwhelming it can be to try and find your way through the mass of products that claims to work for sensitive skin! My eBook will help you to better understand what to look for in a product.
We have found only one
sensitive skin care product line that is both free from plant allergens and and also irritating chemicals.
I use all of their products and in my experience are the best products for hyper sensitive skin. I recommend that you try their skin care products, and their
conditioner, and
toothpaste as well. Many of the shampoos and toothpastes on the market contain an irritating chemical sodium lauryl sulfate which can cause skin rashes.
If you are still having skin rashes after switching to these products, I recommend you get a complete physical exam by your doctor, to see if there may be other health issues that may be causing the skin breakouts.
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Is there a store where this can be purchased locally??
by Doris
(Ormond Beach, Florida)
is there a store where this can be purchased locally?? I am not into internet shopping.
Ormond Beach, Florida
Our replyHi Doris, thanks for your message. Our website offers free information and tips to help people with sensitive skin. We don't carry skincare products, however we've had a huge volume of requests for sensitive skincare product recommendations.
As a result of so many requests, we now have several affiliate partners such as ***z-cleure.shtml*** whose products we use ourselves, and which we also recommend for those suffering from sensitive skin and chronic skin conditions such as eczema, hives, rosacea, psoriasis, acne, aging skin. You can find these products at our
Recommended Safe Skincare page.
We also understand that not everyone is helped by traditional medical treatments for skincare conditions and so we have also found an excellent product line to recommend that offers effective and safe
natural skincare remedies.
These products we recommend are specialty products which are not available in stores, however our site also offers many tips for homemade skincare remedies which you can make yourself.
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Sodium Lauryl Sulfate?
by Nica
(New York, New York, US)
I've heard so much talk about Sodium Lauryl Sulfate! I'v looked at most of my skin care products and even my shampoo and toothpaste contains SLS! I've now changed my products but there not very effective! I want to go back but I don't want to harm myself! Can you tell me why SLS is dangerous?
Our replyHi Nica, thanks for your message. Yes, I really can relate to your concerns! That is actually how I came to create this site, as I was so frustrated in trying to find safe skin care products that actually would work. Most of the safer and gentler products I tried did not work at all!
I was shocked to discover that my nice, natural toothpastes, shampoos and even natural laundry detergents contained Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. The more I researched, the more upset I became. I realized that I never questioned the safety of my skin care or personal care products, and yet many of these ingredients are quite irritating to our bodies, and to our environment.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, is a foaming agent used in many shampoos, toothpastes, laundry detergents and other personal care products. A similar chemical, Sodium Laureth Sulfate is also used in the same way. SLS is also used as a pesticide and a fungicide, which means that it is sprayed on foods to kill insects and fungus.
The reason that I recommend in our
Safe Cosmetics Guide that people with sensitive skin avoid these ingredients is because research strongly suggests that they may cause skin irritation, eye and lung irritation and other health effects.
For example, some people get canker sores from using toothpastes with SLS, or dermatitis after wearing clothes washed in detergents containing SLS.
These kinds of skin irritation are definitely not something that people with sensitive skin need to endure when there are so many safer options out there that do not cause the same types of irritating effects in the body.
You can see the
Materials and Data sheet on SLS which has more detailed information on it's health effects.
There is also some information on this chemical here at the
Pesticide Action Network Database on Sodium Lauryl SulfateYou can also find a summary of some research gathered by the on Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate.
I know it is difficult to find safer skin care and personal care options. I've been gathering together those products that I personally have found to work well here at our
Safe Skin Care Products page. I hope this is helpful for you!
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Please Suggest Products for Sensitive Skin and Hair
What is your main sensitive skin problem?: Hyper sensitive to everything
What problems do you face in taking care of your skin?: some kinds of pimples and reaction in my skin
What is the best thing you found on our site?: all kinds of feedbacks related to any skin
Is there anything else we can do to help?: please suggest me sensitive skin and hair i m very trouble or very much tensions to my skin. thanks
Our replyThank you for your message. I recommend you try one of our recommended skin care products, which are very gentle and the least irritating I have found. For more on why we recommend these for hyper sensitive skin, please see our
safe skin care products page.
The shampoo and conditioner works well and will not irritate your skin.
Cleure ShampooCleure ConditionerCleure Skin Care ProductsI hope these are helpful for your sensitive skin. Please let me know how these work for you!
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Grateful for your tip!
by Shyma
I am so happy to tell you that my skin texture has improved since the time I have been doing less and less to my skin (your advice). I use a cleanser, sunscreen, and some calamine lotion in the day (no make up of any sort), and nothing at all in the night. I go for a normal mild facial once a month. Although I have undergone extreme stress in the last few weeks, my skin has been cooperative. I am so happy that I haven't bothered about my skin and yet it has behaved so well. Your advice to not do too many things to the skin was an eye-opener. I want to incorporate more tips that you suggested... such as regular exercise, eating more veggies etc. The Cleure cleanser that you suggested is not easily available in the shops here in India. So I have continued to use Neutrogena deep clean cleanser.
Thanks so much. I am ever so grateful for your advice. Please keep the tips coming.
Our replyHi Shyma, thanks so much for letting us know that our tips are helping your sensitive skin! I am so glad that your skin is having an easier time, and that the "less is more" approach to skincare which we recommend is useful for you! I so appreciate your taking the time to let us know.
We do send out a regular newsletter for those who have requested our eBook of
natural beauty secrets, and you are welcome to subscribe if you wish. This contains new tips for sensitive skincare and other natural health tips that will have a positive effect on your skincare.
You may be able to get the
Cleure cleanser by mail, they do ship internationally and depending on the order size, they can often find a reasonable shipping rate if you specifically request this. Thanks so much Shyma for letting us know that our advice has been helpful and that your skin is doing better!
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Allergic to Balsam of Peru
by Jackie
(Syosset m New York)
I have been diagnosed with an allergy to balsam of peru and formaldehyde. I need to find makeup, as well as all other products, for aging skin free of these two products. I know they both have different names they can go by. I am having extreme difficulty as almay, clinique are still affecting my skin.
Our replyHi Jackie,
Yes, you will need to find a good hypoallergenic product line and analyze all the ingredients to be sure they will not affect you. The best skincare and personal care products that I have found for people with allergies are ***z-cleure.shtml*** which makes botanical free, salicylate free products that do not contain formaldehyde or balsam of Peru. I recommend you first research to learn about the derivatives of Balsam of Peru to be sure you won't accidentally be exposed to it. The safest thing to do in this situation is to contact the company directly to inquire.
The developer of ***z-cleure.shtml*** products is a medical professional with a background in chemistry and is very knowledgeable about these things. I will contact her directly to be absolutely sure that they don't contain any remote derivatives that may irritate your skin.
Update - Yes, I have confirmed that ***z-cleure.shtml*** products do not contain Balsam of Peru or formaldehyde.
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Are ArbonneSkin Care Products Safe?
by Rosalie
Is Arbonne makeup and skin care products safer than others sold in the U.S.?
Our replyArbonne used to make it very difficult to learn about the ingredients in their skincare products, but to their credit, they have changed their policy and at the time of this writing, they are now listing more information about what is in some of their products. I was able to find ingredients lists for facial products but not baby products, which is unusual since babies are even more vulnerable to chemicals in their shampoos and lotions.
We applaud their efforts at creating safes kin care products, and at sharing the information about what is in the products, which help all consumers to make more educated choices.
Even though Arbonne avoid's most of the extremely irritating or toxic ingredients such as pthalates, mineral oil and formaldehyde, they still use many ingredients that may be irritating to sensitive skin.
Their formulations contain dozens of ingredients, any one of which could provoke a reaction for those who are sensitive. I found some Arbonne products contained more hazardous ingredients than others, so you will need to do your own research with the products you are interested in to see if you feel comfortable using them on your sensitive skin.
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Why Did You Change Your Products?
Question About Your Green Tea Facial Moisturizer
Good Day,
Last fall I purchased a container of your "Green Tea Facial Moisturizer". It was very nice. I was very happy with it, so much so, that I purchased two more containers one for myself and one for my mother. This time I was disappointed. The texture had changed, the smell had changed and it didn't feel the same. I don't understand, why you would change such a good product??
Our replyHi, thanks for your message. Our site is an informational website, and we do not manufacture or ship products. We do carry advertising on our site and also we recommend a few select products from our affiliate partners. For more information about our website and purpose, please see our
About This Site page.
We do recommend product lines from different companies that we have personal experience with, (you can see these here at our
Safe SkinCare Products page )however I am not familiar with the Green Tea Facial Moisturizer you are speaking of. I recommend that you contact the company that you purchased from directly and speak with them about your concerns.
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End of the Rope
by Mona
(Quebec, Canada)
Any products specially tailor made for Intolerant skin?
Our replyHi Mona,
I recommend that you give your skin a rest if possible, by not using anything at all, to give it a chance to calm down before you try something new.
Yes, the hypoallergenic products we recommend are by ***z-cleure.shtml*** and they are specifically made for people who have hypersensitive skin. the products contain no plant allergens, they have a short list of ingredients (so there is less for you to have a reaction to).
These products are made for people with allergies, and they also do not contain the irritating preservatives that we've seen in most of the well known hypoallergenic product lines. I hope these can be helpful for you.
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Enquiry About Purchasing Sensitive Skincare Products
by Ella
I live in the UK.
How can I place an order?
Our replyHi Ella, thanks for your message. At the present time we do not carry skincare products, however we recommend several skincare product lines that work well for sensitive skin. These are products that I use myself. You can visit ***z-cleure.shtml*** which makes excellent quality hypoallergenic products that do not contain harmful ingredients. They ship worldwide and have many customers in the UK. You will also see on our site some pages that go into more details about specific types of products in our
Recommended Safe Skincare page. I hope this information is helpful for you.
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I want to know the products you use daily?
by Sharron Hall
I think you use the Cleure line, but I am not sure about the serum you refer to. I am very interested in ordering these products through your website. Your information has been very insightful. I have used everything and my skin seems to react sometimes to everything that touches it. Please Help! I am in my 50s and my skin seems to become more and sensitive.
Our replyHi Sharron, thank you very much for writing and sharing. Yes, I use
Cleure products especially the shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste and other body care products. I also use a new skincare line for anti-aging which I've shared on our
wholesale skin care products page, which has a healing effect on the skin and creates a radiant complexion.
I've arranged the products I recommend here at this new page, which may make things a little easier to find at our
safe skin care products page.
Another way to find this page is here at: hope these products can be helpful to you Sharron. If you have specific questions about them, please respond in the "comments" section below and I will get back to you as soon as I can!
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Super Sensitive Products
by Khaya Davidson
(Farmington Hills, MI)
Have you tried California Baby products? I found them at a local market, but their website shows they are also available at Target. I recently tried their Super Sensitive shampoo, conditioner, and lotion. They do not appear to contain any products that I am sensitive to (lots!). My rashes are less painful, but still have not gone away. They may be related to the medication I am taking to detox mercury.
Our reply Thank you Khaya for sharing this! I'm so glad you found the California Baby products in your local area.
I've used the
California Baby Super Sensitive Sunscreen 
when it was available in my local area, and it worked well, and contained ingredients that were non-irritating.
It is no longer available here, and I haven't been able to find an updated ingredient list online to make sure the products do not contain parabens. I've found older ingredients lists which say that the products contain parabens, and because I couldn't get information I've hesitated to add them to my recommended product list.
Do your California Baby products contain parabens? If so, you would see 'methylparaben' or 'propylparaben' or 'butylparaben' on the label. Thanks so much for sharing!
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Hyperpigmentation and Hypersensitive Skin
by Heena
hi i am allergic to propylene gycol and benezyl saliycate have developed hyperpigmentation patches on my face and neck and have gone darker and duller any product i use to cover up my darkness foundations compact etc make my skin look more dark can u suggest some products for my skin
Our replyHi, you will need to use
salicylate free products in order to avoid allergic reactions. I recommend the ***z-cleure.shtml*** products which do not contain salicylates. The last time I checked, I did not see Propelyne Glycol in their ingredients, but please check the ingredients on any product before purchasing to be sure that it will work for you.
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Aging and sensitive skin
by Judy
I have sensitive skin and mild rosacea, and I am also starting to signs of aging, especially on my neck. I would like a product line for sensitive skin, but that would also address aging. Are there any products that are mild enough, yet effective?
Our replyHi Judy, thanks for your questions. Yes, nti-aging skin care for sensitive skin is quite a challenge, because the very ingredients that are designed to reduce wrinkles and improve skin tone can also cause irritation for those of us with sensitive skin.
It is a very individual thing, as a product that works for one person may not work for others. The best products I've found from my own experience that address anti-aging, and also to reduce inflammation and skin rashes, and which are safe and non-toxic, are these
wholesale skin care products. They have significantly improved the appearance of my skin and also cleared up a really stubborn rash that I had had for years.
There are some other brands I've also tried, you can see these here at our
Safe Skin Care Products page. All of these products are excellent but not as stunning as the results I got with the wholesale products.
With this type of bioactive product, you need to start slowly by using just one new product at a time, which helps your skin to adapt and minimizes the possibility of breakouts.
Yes, the neck is one of those places that starts to sag with age, and one of the best ways to firm it up is with a good facial exercise program. Not only is this a healthy and very affordable option that really works, but it also has many other health benefits. Over time many people who do facial exercise find that their face actually looks younger rather than older.
We have several articles on facial exercise, at
Nonsurgical Face Lifts section, and the program I use is listed here in
Safe Antiaging products.
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where do i start? help please
by cindy
i am 45yrs old and hawaiian i have light olive skin and lots of little brown patches, spots, freckles and tiny skin tags all over my face and neck , my doctor has freeze them. but i need to exfoliate or something to get rid of these things on my face i feel very ugly and i hate looking in the mirror any suggestions? thank you
Our reply:Hi Cindy, thank you for writing. I understand how painful it is to have intense skin challenges. I always recommend a whole body approach to sensitive skin care, as often our skin is the part of our body that reacts when something in our overall health needs some extra support.
For example, if our bodies are over burdened with environmental toxins, this can put stress on our elimination which can get sluggish and then cause our skin to develop rashes, spots or skin tags.
Or, if we do not have enough nutrients, our bodies can become more vulnerable to environmental irritants.
Or, if the products we use on our face and body have ingredients that are irritating, this can make the situation worse.
I just started using a new skin care product line that is able to nourish the skin and also can reduce spots and other imbalances. It isn't available in stores however there is some information here at our
wholesale skin care products page. Please request the short e-mail tour as these are different that any other type of skin care product.
I also recommend Cindy that you request my free eBook if you haven't already. It offers a simple, five step plan to clear up your skin using a whole body approach, at
Clear Any Skin Problem Naturally.
I plan to set up a support group for the eBook soon and you'll be notified of when this is available through the e-mail list.
I hope this information is able to help Cindy. If you have further questions please reply using our comments form below. Thank you for sharing.
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skin problems
by nidhi
Hi I am nidhi from delhi i have a sensitive andoily allergic skin and i want buying the products is your company like cleure but so i want the information and contact no or particular shop in delhi or india when i buying a product.thanx
Our replyHi Nidhi, thanks for your message. The
***z-cleure.shtml*** products are only available online through their website. They will ship to India and if you have any specific questions, you can contact them directly. Please tell them you heard about them at ! :)
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Looking for a Safe Skin Lightening Cream
My skin is very tanned, dark and dull.My skin type is combination. Please tell me one face pack to become fair naturally.
Our replyHi, thank you for writing. Yes, most skin lightening creams contain ingredients such as Hydroquinone that can be irritating or even harmful to the skin, especially when used over time.
Hydroquinone can seep into your body when used for a while, and can produce some very severe side effects, the least of which is long term skin disfigurement.
This ingredient has actually been banned in Europe because research suggests that it may be carcinogenic (cancer causing) and that it may cause kidney and liver damage.
In my humble opinion, your precious health is not worth the risk. Yes, we want to look beautiful, but there are other options!
It is difficult to find a good and safe skin lightening cream that does not contain Hydroquinone. There is only one
safe skin lightening cream that I am aware of that produces a direct and very noticeable different, and clinical tests actually document the results.
This product will provide you with a safe way to lightening and brighten your skin, without the harmful chemicals. It is very effective, however it will not produce an instant result. Like most safe, natural options, you need to be patient. You will get the best results within 8 weeks of using it.
For best results, use this
natural skin lightening cream along with their
restorative night cream.
They also offer two facial masks to help to brighten, nourish and heal your skin so it looks more radiant. This works synergistically with the skin lightener. You use one every two weeks and alternate them which provides a really fantastic and noticeable transformation to your skin.
Deep Cleansing mask Deep Moisturizing maskI hope these are helpful to you! I recommend you take "Before" and "After" photos so you can document the results!
I've written more about skin lightening and skin bleaching creams here at our
Safe Skin Bleaching Cream page.
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Recommend brands I can use
by EMG
I live in Thailand and am of South Asian origin and have medium dark skin. Which brands are safe to you... meaning hypoallergenic and non reactive over time. Is there a site where I can find info on the the materials used by brands like clinique and MAC cosmetics?
thank you
Our replyHi, and thanks for your message. The brands of products that I have researched, and most of which I have used myself are listed here at our
Safe Skin Care Products page.
The most hypoallergenic and least reactive products I have used are from
Cleure which contain no plant allergens, and which also contain no parabens or other irritating chemicals.
The best way to look at the safety of ingredients in your products is to read the labels and educate yourself on the ingredients. You can start here at our
Safe Cosmetics page, and there is more detailed information on how to research products in our free eBook
Clear Any Skin Problem Naturally.
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Effort Towards Natural Skin Care
by Shweta Kapoor
I am Indian .. i have a light brown skin. I am 25 years old and I live in India.
my skin is moderately sensitive. I must confess that i have been bad... in that I have used strong chemical products on my skin.
I used to be totally herbal, but off late, due to a time crunch, I have been relying on chemical products.
I have two quick questions at the moment.
I weigh 95pounds.. pls tell me how much water I should be drinking in a day?
Can I use rose water and glycerin (in equal parts) for an hr in the evening before i go to sleep? Is that good enough for everyday use? Is it a good idea to leave my skin totally free of any cream during the night?
Our replyHi Shweta, thank you for your question. Naturopathic doctors recommend that we drink plenty of water each day. One guideline is to drink half of our body weight in ounces, (so for your this would be 47 or 48 ounces) however my own experience is that this varies quite a bit from person to person. The best guideline is to try it and see how you feel.
Yes, rosewater and glycerine is a relatively low irritation way to care for your skin. There are so many natural remedies you can use for your skincare, and the best way to know how they work is to try them. There are also safe skincare products you can use which do not have harsh chemicals.
There are varied opinions about whether it is useful to use night cream. Some people say that the skin needs to breathe at night and so it is useful to not use any additional creams. Others say that the skin can absorb certain nutrients at night and so using cream is beneficial.
I personally have tried both. I have extremely sensitive skin and I find that if I cleanse my face just once in the morning, and at night use water to cleanse and no night cream, that seems to work the best for me. If I use too many products I get outbreaks. There is one night cream that I've had a better experience with from the
Cleure Skincare line which is very gentle for sensitive skin and has not caused problems for me.
We have many options for homemade skincare listed at our site here at our
skin care recipes section. I also send out new recipes every month through our newsletter which is available to those who request our free eBook
Clear Any Skin Problem Naturally. You can also find some options for
safe skin care products for sensitive skin.
I hope these suggestions can be helpful for you! Thanks so much for writing.
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