My Sensitive Skin Care sponsors and advertisers are chosen carefully to reflect our values and the personal recommendations we make about safe, natural solutions to sensitive skincare.
We receive inquiries on a regular basis from skincare companies that want to advertise on our site. It is our mission to educate people about safer and healthier options for sensitive skin care, and so we are very selective about the companies that advertise on our site.
We hold these companies to a higher standard because they reflect our values. We choose companies that offer the kind of products that we ourselves would use!
All of our advertisers meet the following criteria, to ensure that our valued visitors receive safe and nontoxic skincare product recommendations.
These guidelines ensure that we offer our visitors products that we ourselves would use.
Please join us in supporting companies who have created safe, non-toxic products that are designed especially for YOUR sensitive skin!
If you own a skincare business and your products meet our guidelines, you can learn more about skin care advertising on our site.
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