White Spots from Steroid Creams
I got white marks by using steroid cream and everyday get new spots when exposed to sun. Please suggest me the solution for the fast recovery of my damaged skin.
Our replyThank you for writing. Yes, steroid creams can damage the skin and it may take a while to see improvements, however your body has an amazing ability to heal, so with patience and persistence you will begin to see improvement.
There are several things you may find helpful. First, I highly recommend my free eBook
Clear Any Skin Problem Naturally which offers a simple five step program to help your skin to heal.
I recommend that you use non-toxic and gentle products that can also provide a layer of protection for you skin. The
Cleure facial products are the least irritating that I know of, and the only line that also is free from both plant allergens and also irritating ingredients. They will be able to put a gentle, safe layer of
protection for your skin so that it can heal.
Then you want to use something very gentle but that has the capability to help your skin to rejuvenate such as emu oil that also contains vitamin E. The
Cleure emu oil is very light and will not clog pores, and is more pure than other brands I've tried.
You are not alone, some of our other visitors have had a similar experience with steroid creams. You will find some helpful suggestions here at this page
How to Heal Skin Damage from Steroid Creams.
I hope this information is helpful, and I encourage you to stay in touch and let us know how you are doing.
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